I initially met the owner (Jessie Elliot) through a mutual friend. The next time I met Jesse: I was standing in my backyard on the Applegate River and noticed a bright orange Sotar Cataraft with Siskiyou Physical Therapy pasted on the side of it. I looked closer and it was Jesse!
I spent my lifetime as an MP in the Army and as a sworn Police Officer. From my Military and Law Enforcement days, I am pretty broken with multiple surgeries and pain issues. I recently fell on my right shoulder (two prior surgeries) and lost all range of motion.
Following my second surgery on the shoulder, my surgeon told me to never fall on it. He would most likely not be able to repair it a third time. With no range of motion, I was fearing the worst. I was expecting a shoulder replacement and was already consulting an orthopedic surgeon. However, after a lot of hard work with Jesse, my shoulder is almost completely recovered. I am expecting a full recovery now.
I have spent many years in physical therapy for my back, knee’s, shoulders, and hips. I can honestly say, Jesse is no doubt the best physical therapist I have ever had. To date I have had about six physical therapist’s between California and Oregon. Jesse in my opinion is the most educated and experienced PT I have had.
I love his optimism. Rehab can be difficult. Occasionally I would come in to my appointment down, disappointed in myself. While at home between my PT sessions, I would accidentally aggravate my shoulder, sleep on it wrong, pick up something to heavy, whatever, causing me to slip backwards in my recovery. However, his optimism is contagious. I would always leave feeling better about myself and in my recovery. Thank You Jesse for everything.
I am happily married to my wife Sabine, with four children ages 15, 13, 11, and 8. Three boys and a girl. Our homeschooling pretty much takes up all of my time. If I am able, if not in Physical Therapy (ha ha), I enjoy mushrooming, Tying fly’s, fly fishing, traveling to Germany to visit family, organic gardening, and kombucha brewing: just living the Oregon dream.