Ease the Pain caused by Arthritis

Arthritis has become an epidemic among Americans and many of us feel the effects of the disease when first get moving in the morning. Most of us know that this is a chronic condition that becomes more complicated as the disease progresses but there are a few things we can do to help manage our symptoms to a degree.
1. Stretching
Stretching targets muscle groups and also enhances joint mobility. Stretching your joints can greatly improve your daily routine by reducing pain in areas affected by arthritis.
2. Finding the Right kind of Activity
There are better forms of activity for joints affected by arthritis. Some activities can lead to more destructive changes in your joints while others can actually promote your body producing your own natural pain killers among other benefits. Generically avoid activities that cause increased pain or grinding sounds that indicate you may be doing more damage than helping.
3. Cold
Cold packs help decrease pain and inflammation which are both common side effects of arthritis. Using cold packs to control these symptoms can be effective. Try making your own cold pack if you don’t have a good quality gel pack or want to save a little money. Use 1 part rubbing alcohol and 2 parts water in a Zip Lock bag. We always recommend putting any ice pack in a pillow case or use a towel to protect any skin exposed to your skin to avoid injury.
4. Vitamins
Some research shows positive effects from certain supplements including Vitamins A, C, and E as well as omega fatty acids for fighting arthritis pain. It is not recommended that you start taking every vitamin known to man, but instead discuss the idea with your physician to help develop a plan that best fits your needs and doesn’t interfere with another medication you may take.
5. Medications
Some times the pain from arthritis can be overwhelming and getting your pain more managed is necessary. Again, first consult with your doctor, but many find pain relievers such as ibuprofen effective in controlling their pain.
Arthritis can be extremely debilitating if we don’t take appropriate action. We see patients in the clinic that quickly loose their independence or their ability to walk if things aren’t managed correctly. There are lots of things you can do to help manage your arthritis so don’t let it control your life. If you need help to specifically design a program that is tailored to your needs schedule an appointment now to regain your life again!
We offer Same Day Appointments for those that are post surgical or medically urgent. We offer discounts or payment plans for those that have high insurance deductible health plans, no insurance or have a financial hardship.
As a reminder, all patients do not need a referral to go to physical therapy. Call now to make an appointment, and we’ll send all necessary communications to your primary care provider.
Jesse Elliott, DPT, Licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy with Siskiyou PT
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