It is the time of year when we are getting more active. Many people in our community enjoy gardening both as a form of exercise and to relax. If you have spent much time in the yard you know that gardening can take a toll on your body. However, there are steps that we can […]
Benefits of weight lifting for active adults
Many people think of weight lifting as something younger people do for sports and not for the older population. However, weight lifting has its benefits for people of all ages and I’ll focus on two areas: bone density and strength. Bone density is improved especially in the upper body with weight lifting which is more […]
Is your walking affecting your quality of life?
Several studies have tied peoples’ perceived quality of life with their ability to get out into the community. Also the more connected a person is in the community, the greater their perceived happiness. If you have a problem that keeps you from walking it will affect quality of life and put you at health risk. […]
No pain no gain?
As a physical therapist this is a frequent slogan I run into but it’s poorly understood. I like to explain there are two types of hurts muscle pain and bad pains. Muscle pain is a good thing and required to build strength. With exercise we microscopically tear muscle fibers, and as they heal themselves we […]
Selective Functional Movement Assessment: How to get to the source of your Pain
Do you ever feel like your aches and pains are being treated without getting the source of the problem? Joint and muscle problems are often treated without changing the root cause of the injury. In fact, the best way to predict an injury is to determine if there has been previous injury in the same […]