How to Improve your Athletic performance with Kinesiotaping If you have watched sporting activities lately you have probably noticed athletes with colorful tape on their bodies. This type of taping is called kinesiotaping and it is often used with athletes. However, there are all sorts of applications for kinesiotaping. Recently several interesting studies have […]
How to Speed Your Recovery From an Auto Accident
Physical Therapy after an auto accident is crucial to helping you start the healing process. Auto Accidents can cause severe pain that should be treated as soon as possible, and is one of the most common ailments that we see at Siskiyou PT. There are several problems that people may encounter after an auto accident. […]
How to Avoid Overuse Sports Injuries
Overuse Sports Injuries Can Be a Result of Mistakes During Training Overuse sports injuries are a common aliment I see in my practice. They usually occur with some of my most active and “in-shape” people that I see. Fitness programs and health do not always go hand and hand and can lead to overuse sports […]
Top 3 things to do for Quick Relief for Lower Back Pain
Quick Relief for Lower Back Pain without Side Effects The rates of low back pain in our country are absolutely mind-blowing: 1: 25% of the population has experienced low back pain within the last 3 months 2: 75% of us will experience spine pain at some point in their life 3: Several treatment options including […]
4 Things to Help Severe Jaw Pain
Severe Jaw pain or Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) can be one of the most painful conditions there is. Severe Jaw pain can be caused by several problems including jaw fractures, clenching at night, postural habits or teeth alignment. This kind of pain can lead to many symptoms including jaw pain, headaches, neck pain, clicking with […]