Does Massage Therapy Hurt?
Massage therapy should never hurt! It is our job to make you feel better not worse. If pressure is ever too deep for you, you should let the therapist know immediately. We’re here to help you, so by communicating with the therapist we can provide the best treatment possible. Occasionally there will be mild aching when working over a “knot” or tight muscle but again if it becomes too much let us know. Also working rigorously on certain areas to relieve tension and adhesion may leave muscles feeling overworked and slightly sore this should subside within a day and the massage therapist may recommend ice when working deeply in certain areas. Many people think that the more it hurts the better you will feel. However, with a pressure that is too intense it can cause the body to tense up and resist, often times leaving you feeling worse then when you came in. So next time you get a massage check in with the therapist and communicate what type of pressure you would like so we can provide you with the best experience possible.
So don’t be afraid that massage will hurt. Here at Siskiyou Physical Therapy we strive on giving a positive relaxing experience every time you come in, and know that your massage experience with be a great one!
Nikole Norman licensed Massage Therapist with Siskiyou Physical Therapy