Benefits of Good Posture
We all know that posture is important but as we sit more in front of our computers, tablets and phones increasing amounts of research is being done on the side effects of poor posture. Hopefully this will cause us to catch ourselves more often and correct our postures. The following 5 reasons might help you to sit up with better posture:
You will have more energy
When we sit up straight with good posture it allows your diaphragm to work more efficiently, which makes breathing easier. With this more efficient breathing your body can better regulate the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide and keeps you energized. Sitting slouched restricts the expansion of your ribcage and compresses your diaphragm which can decrease lung capacity.
You will burn more calories
Good posture promotes good circulation and allows you to take in more oxygen, which can improve your efficiency when exercising so you get more from your workouts.
You will have fewer headaches
A common type of headaches are caused by poor posture called tension headaches. Tension in muscles in our neck, upper back and jaw muscles are usually the culprit and a forward head and shoulders are usually present.
Your joints will be Happier
Poor posture adds unhealthy forces to our joints including our neck, shoulders, low back and hips. Research indicates that for every 1 inch our head is forward it adds the effects of 10 increased pounds to our head, which has negative effects throughout our body’s joints and muscles. Sitting with poor posture makes it nearly impossible to engage our core muscles, which are extremely important in preventing low back, hip and shoulder problems.
You will stress Less
Recent research has found that sitting up straight with good posture is an extremely effective coping mechanism against stress. Subjects who sat with good posture while performing a stress-inducing task felt more enthusiastic, excited and strong than those who performed the same task with poor posture.
What is good Posture??
The way I like to describe to my patients how to position themselves for good posture is to sit or stand with gentle tension in their core by slightly pulling their belly button inward, spine straight, shoulders back over their hips and their head back so their ears are over their shoulders.
Poor posture can cause various ailments including headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, mid back pain, and low back pain to name a few. To learn more and to get help with pain injury or weakness call or stop by our office.
Jesse Elliott, DPT, Licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy with Siskiyou PT
We offer Same Day Appointments for those that are post surgical or medically urgent. We offer discounts or payment plans for those that have high insurance deductible health plans, no insurance or have a financial hardship.
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