10 reasons for Massage Therapy
1. Massage therapy helps reduce tension headaches.
2. Massage reduces stress hormones (which cause inflammation in the body resulting in disease and aging), while increasing the feel good hormones encouraging a peaceful state of mind.
3. Regular massage aids with allowing all the body systems to function properly.
4. Multiple studies have shown that regular massages help boost your immunity.
5. Getting a massage allows you to not only fall asleep faster but stay asleep longer.
6. Massage therapy eases pain such as sore muscles, neck pain, back pain, as well as reducing symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
7. Massage therapy reduces blood pressure.
8. Massage affects the flow of toxic waste from muscles, organs, and tissues for improved health and digestion.
9. Massage can improve body posture by helping train muscles to be in the right position, improving their ability to support the bone structure of the body.
10. And the best reason to get a massage is it feels great and our patients just love it!!
Nikole Norman LMT Siskiyou PT